Sunday 24 January 2016

Yeol Clumsy #38 - Blackreach

Turdas, 30th of Frostfall 4E201

Next day I went back to Alftand, and descended further down to an underground world called Blackreach. When I entered I was overwelmed by the unearthly atmosphere of giant glowing and floating mushrooms, an endless deep black sky and the ruins of ancient civilizations.
Overwhelmed by atmosphere while entering Blackreach.
But my fascination was abruptly put to a halt when Falmer and Dwemer mechanoids attacked us at our first foot upon Blackreach soil. Slowly we progressed through the foreign world, guided by a paved path. It brought us to a Dwemer tower higher then the eye could see.
Blackreach, approaching the tower.
We entered the tower as guided by a natural force. I felt this was the place. Inside all was empty and silent. Things were as many ages ago, when the last occupant left: books, fireplace... Nobody came here in an uncountable time.

We went on, and there it was, a huge contraption. The mechanics, build by the Dwemer to capture the essense of the Elder Scrolls. I used the Cube, I touched the buttons, the machine activated, and there it was: The Elder Scrolls, a relic from beyond our time and space, from beyond our comprehension. I stared at it for a long time.
But now what? I promised to return the cube to Septimus Signus. Maybe he can help to guide me with the Scrolls, and what to do with it. I took the Elder Scrolls and the Cube, and left Blackreach.

I came to the surface far from Alftand, and it took an unforeseen long journey to arrive at Nightgate Inn again. There I rested for the night. Next day we left early, but not far we had to fight a dragon again! "A dragon a day keeps the boredom away?". I killed it with ease somehow.
Again a dragon slain
Later that day we arrived at Winterhold. I warmed myself at the Frozen Hearth's fire, to continue the journey into the Sea of Ghosts. Again jumping from floe to floe, between the horkers to Signus's Outpost.
Arriving at Winterhold
Although he was joyed to receive the Cube, he started to speak in riddles, and did not mention anything about the Elder Scrolls. Instead he talked about needing elven blood, about curses and plagues. I decided to leave, with The Elder Scrolls in my back pack...
Septimus Signus started to talk gibberish, I left...

Yeol the Clumsy @ day 74, level 28

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