Saturday 2 January 2016

Yeol Clumsy #32 - The Ratway Race

Tirdas, 14th of Frostfall 4E201

I woke up at the Vilemyr Inn, fresh and well slept. After a quick breakfast we set foot to Riften. The road was calm, the weather clear and comfortable. We arrived at Riften at noon. I went first at the Bee and Barb Inn, to ask for a man called Esben, but they told that I would probably have better luck asking at the Ragged Flagon, if I managed to not get killed entering the Ratway.
Entering the Flagged Inn
Entering was not a problem. At the Flagged Inn I had to persuade the inn keeper with some cash to talk, and talk he did. He pointed me to the Ratway Warrens, but warned me that I was not the only one to look for the old man.
Asking the in keeper for Esben's whereabouts.

It was immediatly clear what the inn keeper meant, because while entering ther Ratway Vaults, we were attacked by the Thalmor. We had to rush, hoping to find Esben first!... And we did.
We met Esben in his hideout.
After some convincing (and using the Delphine's pass phrase), he let us in his hideout. We talked, and soon he was convinced we needed to go to Riverwood fast, and meet with Delphine.
Leaving Riften in the night
While leaving the hideout, we had a hefty fight with more Thalmor. We managed not getting killed, got out of the Ratway, and walk very quietly into the night of Riften. We took the night cart to Riverwood, silent and unnoticed.

In Riverwood the encouter of the two Blades was touching. They had not seen each other for ages. We went to the basement, and there Esben reveiled his knowledge. I was too tired to pay much attention. I had not slept in two days. I heared something about Alduin's Wall... Sky Heaven Temple... Karthspire... Sitting at the table, I was satisfied to see them reunited, and fell asleep...
Reunion of the Blades in Riverwood

Yeol the Clumsy @ day 58, level 24

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