Wednesday 6 January 2016

Yeol Clumsy #33 - Deepest Darkness

Frirdas, 17th of Frostfall 4E201

The void devoured all around it. An endless blackness grew, and from the depths rose a dragon's head, big as the Earth, rushing at me. I swang my sword trying to fight it, but all it hit was nothingness. I felt hopeless and terrified...

I woke up from the nightmare. It was late morning. I felt worried. Delphine and Esben already left for Karthspire. I packed and left Whiterun at noon, with Sofia.

It was a drowsy day. The road was long, without mentionables. We got soaking wet. Approaching Old Hroldan, I had set my envy upon hot soup at a warm fire, until a frost dragon appeared above the ruins of the old village. The beast was tough and the fight took us deep into the night. At the end I won. At midnight we ate at the fire, and went to bed.
A frost dragon welcomed us at Old Hroldan
The next morning, we left Old Hroldan Inn after a short breakfast. But once outside we were attacked again, by another frost dragon! I would have run and hidden in the dark, but I could not abandon the Inn folk, so I fought it. The fight took all my arrows, all my potions, and again, after a long fight, I won. I didn't know how long I would be able to keep on fighting them. I felt like weakening.
Second frost dragon that gave me his soul in Old Hroldan

A little further, on the bridge, we met Delphine and Esben. They seemed anxious, we followed them. Not much further we encountered a Forsworn camp. Delphine and Esben charged in, shouting: "KILL THEM ALL!". Sofia followed with adorning fury. I tried to shout back to not attack, but... It was too late. The battle became a mess. It was horrible. The Forsworns were enraged, my fellows blinded by their prejudgement. I had to defend myself, but did not take active part in the massacre. I felt ashamed.
The site of horror... I'm so sorry.

When all was quiet, we went on. Soon we came to the entrance of a cave: Karthspire! Inside it was like magical. Structures from another age overwhelmed us. The few puzzles to trick and deter intruders where of a laughable easiness. Soon I entered the temple's inner sanctuary. There it was: Alduin's Wall. At that moment my last torch dimmed. I sank into the deepest darkness. ... I remembered my nightmare ...

Entering the inner sanctuary of Karthspire
Alduin's Wall

Yeol the Clumsy @ day 61, level 24


  1. als yeol clumsy is , ben ik een slak met 7 poten en een gewei.
    hij verslaat draken , hele dorpen en nog meer. wat een gewelddadig land .
    maar het engels is goed en vlot. hlane.

  2. Tja, Yeol is onhandig, maar niet stom. Hij weet hoe zich in te dekken. Selectief te werk gaan, en vluchten is ook een taktiek om te overleven (om later terug te komen). Een slak met zeven poten en een gewei... leuke vergelijking. :-) Bedankt voor je leuke reactie. Yeol

  3. Haha ik wist niet dat je nederlands wad

    1. Hey! Leuk dat jij ook Nederlandstalig bent. Tot straks waarschijnlijk, op het Skyrim G+ forum. ;-)
