Sunday 18 March 2018

Yeolynn the Archivist part 05 - Taking Care of Security

Skyrim, Loredas the 23rd of Last Seed, 4E201

I intended to go to Whiterun, shopping, but when I set foot out the door, I was attacked by a wolf, again. That reminded me of an important aspect of running the museum: security of visitors. So I went looking for any threat in the immediate vicinity. A roaming pack of 3 wolves was swiftly dealed with.

In the back yard of the museum I noticed a Ritual Stone. I would have asked the necromancer gently to perform his rituals somewhere else, but alas, he did not like the proposal. I had no choice to defend myself against his abrupt offence of magical nature. He has flirted with death a little to close, I guess.
This necromancer is flirting with death a little too close.

Nearby I noticed also a Stormcloak camp, but I do not see any problem with their presence, in the contrary. But also nearby, the banditcamp know as White River Watch was a real menace for visitors, myself and the museum's content. I had to try and do something to convince them to move along. Unfortunatly they were not very interested in my plea. Except for the boss, who surrendered, all gang members seem to be dead now... how strange.
This Stormcloak camp is good to have close.
At this robbers camp "White River Watch" it's very peaceful now.

Tomorrow I have to take a look for any threat south of the museum. But that's another day. It's dark now, I'm tired...

Yeolynn the Archivist@ day 6, level 6

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